15th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems
November 27-29, 2017, Suzhou, China
This year APLAS will host a Student Research Competition where students can present posters. The Competition consists of three rounds:
1) Extended abstract round: Participants submit an extended abstract outlining their research results. Please follow the submission requirements of posters.
2) Poster session at APLAS 2017: Based on the abstracts, a panel of judges will select the most promising entrants to participate in the poster session at APLAS. In the poster session, students will have the opportunity to present their work to the judges, who will select three finalists to advance to the next round.
3) APLAS presentation: The last round will consist of a short oral presentation at APLAS to compete for the final award.
Note: 1) The student research competition is NOT a part of ACM SRC. 2) The student participant must be the first author or the only author of the submission.
The top three winners will receive prizes of $500, $200, and $200, respectively, in addition to the certificates.
Manjeet Dahiya, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Title of Submission: Automatic Verification of Intermittent Systems
Chunhui He, University of Science and Technology of China
Title of Submission: POMP: Protocol Oblivious SDN Programming with Automatic Multi-Table Pipelining
Chunmiao Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Title of Submission: Collaborative Development Environment: Fusing Human Insights into Automated Program Repair
Left to right: Xinyu Feng, Evan Chang, Chunhui He, Chunmiao Li, and Manjeet Dahiya.
Photo taken by Zhenjiang Hu.
Poster chair: Yu Zhang (yuzhang AT ustc.edu.cn)
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